What do you get when you mix a banana with some toffee? BANOFFEE!! This is a delicious, rich dessert that I discovered on my mission in Ireland. It's super easy to make, so don't get intimidated by the directions. You will fall in love with it. And it's great for entertaining!
{What you need}
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups crumbled graham crackers
1/4 cup butter
2-3 bananas (more if desired)
2-3 T powdered sugar
1/2 t vanilla
1 cup whipping cream
(for fun you can add crumbled Heath bars,
crumbled snickers, etc. if desired)
To make the crust, crumble the crackers very fine.
Put in a pie pan (or glass casserole dish). Mix in
and spread and press into pie form. Refrigerate.
{For toffee}
Bring to a boil the unopened can of condensed milk in a pot of water
fully covering the can an inch above the top of the can. When the
water comes to a boil, turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for 1 1/2
hours. Turn the can over after half the cooking time. Let the can
cool a little before opening it. Pour toffee into the crust and
refrigerate until cool.
When ready to serve, slice bananas on top and
cover with fresh whipped cream that has 1/2 teasppoon vanilla and
2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar. (I usually add the crumbled candy bars
on top of the cream but under is great too for an added surprise!)
(Compliments of Sister Chapman)
Jess this sounds DELICIOUS! I'm going to get the ingredients at the store today for it. Thanks for posting. I'm excited to see what kind of stuff you'll be posting on here. I wish I could add to your list, but I'm not a chef at all and I just make boring stuff like tacos, spaghetti, etc. If I DO decide to be adventurous, I'll share the recipe.
Mmmm...what's not to like? Bananas: good! Graham crackers: good! Whipped cream: good!
Hey Jits. Sounds great to me! I have a cooking blog too if you want to check it out. It's mainly just for me to have a log of my recipes and how we liked them and what I'd do different. But if you want to try some recipes on there take a look. It's andeesphotos2.blogspot.com. I know I need to change the url. It really is a recipe blog. :)
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